Sunday, December 28, 2008

staying the course

Staying the Course
December 28, 2008

A lot of things have happened since my last entry. I wished that I could say that it has all been good. But truth be known, it was a disaster. Everything that I planned went up in smoke. But let me start from the beginning.

When I decided to move to the Philippines I knew that there were going to be some challenges. Such as my size, not the fact that I am so big that I cannot move anymore, but thanks to the Gastric Bypass surgery I can move a lot easier and actually thrive physically here in the Philippines. But the constant stares, and aw gosh look. I had experienced that ten years ago the last time I was here. Many times has my friends said that you have to just add a little bit of understanding to it, since they are not use to seeing someone your size. And I do for the most part. But it’s hard… It’s hard when every time I walk out the door I am gawked at, judged and even touched. People I found are one of two things. Either too scared to talk to me or so eager to touch me. This one lady just came up to me and started rubbing my belly; I mean what’s up with that? I mean I don’t care if people are saying that I am too sensitive about that, but who in this PLANET likes to be touched by perfect strangers, especially in such a violating way. We are not talking about bumping in to me or tripping and I caught them or vise versa. This woman saw me from the distance and walked over just to rub my belly. Like I’m Buddha or something? I told the lady, listen no genie is going to come out. But the whispers and the stares, it’s like a jab. Sure the first one doesn’t hurt, it just stings. But a few hundred of those little things and you feel it. Well right now I have been taking it for over 7 months now. And I just cannot take it anymore. What I also don’t understand is the taxi drivers, they would purposely skip me because they feel that I am too big to fit in their cab, yet go over not more than 50 yards from me and pick up 6 passengers. I mean do they not know that I do not weigh more than six passengers? Or how some taxi cab drivers would ask for more money because of my weight. Yet do they ask for more money when they pick up multiple passengers? The jeepneys, forget about it.

But on a positive note, I have been loosing weight and I have been feeling better than I have in years. If it weren’t for this pesky thing called emotions than we wouldn’t have any problems. But I do…

So all of that I feel is just a small price to pay for why I am really here. Yes I am here to be a minister, and finally be on my own. Which I do enjoy, but isolation, or being on your own is highly over rated. Many have warned me not to go back home to do this, yet I put my faith in GOD that I was here for a reason. What that reason is I truly do not know. All I know is that GOD will not forsake me.

I know that GOD will never abandoned me, especially since He paid such a high price for me that letting me go will just not make any sense. But my life here has been difficult. I am blessed that GOD has given me people such as Joemar Obejas who watches out for me more than he really should. Ate Jonna Racal who is a big sister to me as she council’s me in matter such as life, and living in the Philippines. Marlissa who is another sister who keeps me honest, Pastor Allan who is my mentor in so many things in matters of being a minister here in the Philippines. Roland Isla who gives me the perspective of a fellow Filipino foreigner, raised in Canada he knows how it is like living with Filipinos and coming from a different mind set. I know that God sent these people to me as my support system, and even though these people are not related to me. They have treated me a lot kinder than my family here.

But ever since I came back from the United States I finally got in touch with the Christmas Institute group here in the southwest district. And I thought that I could see if I can be some sort of a fly on the wall, ever so often they would ask for my opinion and I would gladly give it. Being that it is nothing more than a suggestion. But after weekly meetings, and months of meetings and after setting my entire schedule and holiday plans based on this camp. Two days before the camp at Christmas Eve, that’s when I get the call saying that they don’t want me to join at all. Which broke my heart.

At that moment, I was at the Robinson’s mall taxi line waiting for a cab after buying all the things I need for my new place as well as a new back pack to go to Camp. I remember that people were a lot more irritable since it was the last night for shopping. So the line was long and people didn’t want to wait. But it’s not like they had a choice. I remember that I had my earphones on listening to some music trying to ignore all the looks, all the awes and oh my looks. Then I get a text from Allan saying that we need to talk about C.I. and that it can only be done in person. At that point I knew what it was about. I mean it fit with all the things that have been happening lately. At that point a volcano inside of me started to awaken. This has been boiling under the surface for some time now, and I could start feeling that I was loosing control. My head started filling with thoughts that are violent. So I started praying, praying hard I did. I begged GOD to calm me down as I relinquish any and all control I had left to Him. And at that moment God said to go home. And then a wave of peace quenched the fire that was burning in my heart.

So now I just wait… I just hope I can hang on and stay the course. Again I cling on this verse as I cling on to GOD.

Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be Strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Saturday, December 27, 2008

lonely Christmas

I tried with everything to keep myself from being extremely lonely this Christmas season. I made plans, I made back up plans, and even back up for my back up plans. But in the end all of them went down the toilet.

I was suppose to attend Christmas Institute (C.I) here in the Philippines. For about 15 years now I have been involved with this camp for about 15 years now. Ever since I was a kid I thank God that I was brought to that camp and my life has never been the same since. But CI was founded in the Philippines. So when the call of the LORD came saying go to the Philippines, I went. Excited, I knew that this would be a rare opportunity to see first hand the camp organization that started our own little group. I wanted to see how they do things, and how different it is from how we do things, and of course how things are done the same? Can two groups who grew into a successful avenue for young Christian to get to know the Lord and their fellow Christians be different or how much is it the same as they both developed in different sides of the ocean.

At first I was excited to just be a fly on the wall. And when they would ask me for my opinion I gladly gave it. Reassuring them that my role is nothing more than an observer. I know that there will be differences but I think that these differences doesn't mean that one is better than the other. All it just means is that it is different. When I was asked to join the camp I was thrilled to know that i would get to see the fruits of all their hard work. And as I start to plan out my holiday season. CI was going to be a big part of those plans as it has been for 15 years.

But on December 24, 2008, just two days before CI I get a text message from a friend a fellow minister Pastor Allan saying that we need to talk. And at that moment I knew what this was about. And the anger started to boil. I was fast approaching loosing control. And control is something I have been having a hard time with as of lately. So I started to pray, and pray hard. That's when the peace and calm that only GOD can provide came over me and said, "GO HOME" and so I am.

Now I have about two months left in my program at PCU (Philippine Christian University) and I know that in a marathon the last mile is always the hardest. So I decided to finish it out. But I will be trying to find ways to alter that plan. If I can do this via email or internet I will. Just so I can leave this country already.

I just don't feel like I belong here anymore. I never really did. My family doesn't want me around, and no matter where I go I have people staring at me as if I was some sort of circus freak. And it was sad to know that no one cared enough to see how I was doing on Christmas. Except for my friend Joemar. Joemar has always been there for me and he is the one of a few people that is a beacon of hope for me here. But unfortunately it is no longer enough.

So my plan is to leave ASAP and find out if I should even come back...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lamb and Man

I found this to be interesting. A few years ago I hear a minister speak about how Sheep is a great analogy for man. I mean how many times have Christ been compared to as a shepherd.

Luke 15

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

1Now the tax collectors and "sinners" were all gathering around to hear him. 2But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them."
3Then Jesus told them this parable: 4"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' 7I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

"All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats." - Matthew 25:32

But what made me realize how true this analogy was till I heard this speaker talk about how a shepherd cares for his sheep.

First he obtains one Lamb and break it's leg. While hurt, the Lamb is cared for by the shepherd 24/7. By it's side day in day out. Until the Lamb is so use to the shepherd that once it's healed, it follows the shepherd everywhere it goes. Then the shepherd than obtains a flock of sheep, and all the while while the lamb follows the shepherd, the rest of the flock follows the lamb.

Christ is that LAMB and GOD is the SHEPHERD. We are that lost sheep that Luke talks about. And we are the ones that are lost. But he first broke the LAMB so that we have someone to follow. Christ died on the cross for us so that we can follow HIM. Great is our GOD indeed...

A Roller Coaster Ride we Called LiFE

A Roller Coaster Couldn’t Explain this Ride
December 20, 2008

So I am preparing to leave P. J. Mansion and move to a more economically friendly apartment. It is this small studio apartment not to far from here and not to far from school either. The best part about it is that it is only 6,000 PhP a month instead of 11,000 PhP. Which I know will greatly help my mother and her budget. Allan was kind enough to help me find this place and I put down a deposit as of yesterday.

Yesterday I didn’t want to go to the place by myself so I invited my friend Joemar to come a long with me. It was a nice walk from P.J to the new place. We even got a little lost, but I was so proud that I walked to whole thing. YAY, also double yay that I have someplace to go after my contract is done here.

Then since Joemar is my first friend here in the Philippines, and plus how helpful he has to me through out everything, from helping me move into P.J Mansion to helping me move out. So I wanted to express my appreciation for all that he has done for me. Plus since I have those HOLIDAY massage tickets I wanted to take my friend to a session. All in all it was awesome.

Then after wards we went got something to eat at this all you can eat buffet. But that’s when the bad news came. Joemar’s sister has been diagonosed with Lukemia and Hepatitis. Joemar was of course distraught. I tried to be there for him and I am praying for his sister and his family through this ordeal.

So with all these ups and downs... Someone tell me where to throw up in this roller coaster...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

GOD's gentle reminder

Okay so this week it was a lot of do nothing and just sit and have quiet time with the LORD. I have been struggling where that line is for Pastors. For this is what I was afraid of, since I have had no "formal" training in being a Minister, I do not know how to act or not to act. So last night I planned to talk to my friend Pastor Allan. But of course he was busy with the service.

But when he spoke last night he talked about JUSTICE is JESUS CHRIST. And since JESUS paid for it already and we are saved by HIS gift, it is our right to ask GOD for things. GOD has promised each and everyone of us that He will provide for all our needs. So if you believe that it is right for you to have that special someone than ask GOD for it.

God was reminding me again to just have faith...

Having Faith means to let things go...

So this is definitely different for me to post something like this where I know anyone can read it. Especially since this is linked to my facebook account. I just laugh at people in how they are so surprised that the things they posted online actually get read. Then they start whining about how they never meant to have anyone see it. Well DUMBASS, if you don't want to read it don't post it.

So in this case I do want people to read it but it is dangerous for me but I am trying new things...

So in my last post I was scheduled to preach at Mary Johnston school of nursing. My Friend Leo Serafica invited me to speak. Now as a future minister we try to speak as much as possible and if someone invites you, you go for it. So I took the invitation with open arms. The topic was on Salvation based on what Leo heard in the Bible Study I conducted with the CI team.

Now on my last post, I mentioned that I also have accepted people into calling me Pastor even though I am not officially ordained yet. But again Allan was right, being a Pastor is calling, you don't decide to be a minister. God call us to be Pastors. So if God calls me one then it's only right that others recognize that as well.

But I didn't know that GOD was about to test that resolve immediately. I met someone... Now it's not unusual for me to see beautiful women, especially here in the Philippines. In fact one just walked by... Anyway but when I saw here something happened.

Now, when people ask me why did I decide to be a minister, again it's not about me deciding it's GOD telling me what to do. And I am blessed that I have spiritually matured now that I can recognize when He is calling me or telling me what to do. It was that same voice that told me to be a minister, same voice that told me to move to the Philippines and that same voice spoke to me again.

So back to what I was talking about.

So when this person walked in, that same VOICE spoke again. And when she walked in GOD was saying this is someone special. That this person will be important to me. Basically I was attracted to her, but I was also blessed to talk to her for like 20 minutes and I was able to see her passion towards GOD. How she is struggling to find her place in the Master plan. Which through experience I have been through myself. She is also in to musicals and performances, so the longer I talk to her the more and more I am "digging" her.

So now my instincts are in full swing. Ready to go for the hunt. But that's when GOD started speaking again. He said nope, not that way. Do things my way. Which is let GOD do everything. So now I am fighting everything inside me to let go and let GOD. Now I can somewhat comprehend what Abraham and Sarah went through. How God has promised them something and all they have to do is wait. I am trying to learn from them, by interfering with GOD's plan it will only make things worse. So I am now trying to just sit back and wait for GOD's instructions.

So to have FAITH I must have FAITH...


Saturday, December 6, 2008

In Between Things
December 6, 2008

In this journal entry I have to admit that I have gone through a lot of things that should have probably been entered a few days ago but somehow decided to wait for today. Maybe this is a culmination of the things that is transpiring, or maybe I am so tired that I don’t even know what to do anymore.

Well this week started off weird, I was suppose to be at a CI meeting on Monday at 10 AM. But for some odd reason the text that was sent to me saying the meeting has been moved to 3 PM was disregarded. My bad, but thank God Brother Allen Balang a fellow minister was kind enough to help me look for a place and not let me waste the whole day just doing nothing. He and I met at Inasal Bacolod Chicken, a nice Filipino restaurant and the food was really good and the price was awesome. Then after ward we went to look at some places for me to move to. I have found some places until the last place we looked at. This place is awesome, clean and well lighted. And out of all the places we looked at this was by far the best and the cheapest. But they are requiring a lot of paperworks. Things that I won’t be able to get, but I am leaving it to the Lord for I know He will never forsake me.

Wednesday morning Allan again invited me to join him in a fellowshipping with a bunch of elementary students in Batangas. Now when he told me about this I was so excited, but when I got there I was starting to regret the choice. I had canceled so many things I was suppose to do that day including teach a class. That morning is when Allan decided to tell me that he needed me to ride in the back. This van/truck is a beast that has really bad suspension in the back. But when we got to the resort, it was a piece of heaven. A garden of eden beautiful and serene, there were about 30 – 40 elementary aged kids there from a local school. Allan is truly a talented Pastor someone whom I can actually emulate. But during his message he was able to get those kids to cry and be grateful that they were there to worship God. They also treated us extremely well, they not only fed us but made sure that we were comfortable. The kids were awesome, and were even chearing me on when I started swimming. Oh and that was another thing, even though it was freezing we went swimming. For like 3 hours it was the best of time. After ward I got a chance to hang out with the kids and share a little bit of myself to them. Allan mentioned to them that I teach martial arts so these kids were all running up to me and asking me all sorts of martial arts questions. Which was awesome, but I had to ensure that implanted in them that fighting is bad. After wards there were curious about me and I know this will sound perverted but they won’t stop touching me. NO I DID NOT TOUCH BACK. But spending time with them was awesome and they didn’t even want us to leave. That day I decided for people to start calling me Pastor from now on. I was at first felt wrong by that, but I was there doing the work already. I just have a formality to go through. But it will get there.

Then last night I had the extreme blessed opportunity to speak at Central’s Upper Box service. I was a little worried not because I thought I was going to mess up (cause I knew I was going to so I rather not worry about it) but if my way of talking will be something they can relate too. I mean I am not sure if they can understand my jokes or even me for that matter. I know most Filipino’s can read and speak English, but because they have limited chances to practice it they have a hard time understanding me. But I went up there and did my thing, and although I can see where I can improve on things, I think I did very well. All in all I know the Lord is proud of me. It was also great that Hya and Ate Jonna was able to come and see me preach. I have been trying to share to Ate Jonna for a while now so it was awesome to see her there. Plus Hya being there, hmm I think I do hae feelings for her. But she just told me she has a boyfriend, but I don’t know until your married you are fair game right? I’ll just pray about it. But she and Ate Jonna and I went to Glorietta mall to watch Twilight, it’s an awesome movie and I hoped they had a good time.

Tomorrow night I will be speaking at Mary Johnston College of Nursing and I am excited about this. Leo has asked me to speak and I think I will really speak to some people. So I got to go and finish my sermon for tomorrow. But until then, what’s next?

Keeper of Eve

Keeper of Eve

by: Francis Thomas B. Serrano

eyes so piercing 
floods my soul

lips so plump 
drunkens my heart
heart so pure dared not break the chandelier

love so pure undeserved by me worthy for none
so my worth is protector archangel of
beauty, love, temptation, sworn knight of virtue, honor and strength

keeper of eve

Friday, November 28, 2008

the Lord gone done it again!!!

The Lord gone done it again!!!
November 28, 2008

Living in the Philippines comes with so many challenges. If anything battles are being fought on a day-to-day basis. So days I feel like the victor while they’re days that I feel like the looser. And I know that these little skirmishes are nothing to the final battle where the LORD will take me upon His arms and say well done my good and fellow servant, well done. So I try to focus on the days that the Lord pulled me out into victory instead of the days that I stayed in defeat. But I have also come to the understanding that there will be days that I will be sad. Today was a scheduled day.

Today in the United States, families are gathering far and wide to celebrate the day of Thanksgiving. It’s a beautiful holiday, and fitting as well. The United States in its hustle and bustle world actually takes the time out of the year to say Thank You. Also this marks the beginning of the Holiday Season. In fact the Friday after Thanksgiving is known in the retail business as “BLACK FRIDAY” Hundreds of thousands of millions of people are going to be pouring into the malls and stores to start the Christmas shopping. This day has already been linked forever with Thanksgiving. But no matter how great I think the holiday is the rest of the world doesn’t share that same holiday. So now I am here alone in this foreign country with no one to celebrate thanksgiving with.

So I scheduled a day of treating one self. On the 27th I decided to go to a spa and use their sauna facility as well as get a massage. Then I decided to get some lunch at this one Pho’ place. I wanted something hot and warm and yet not to heavy and what better than Pho’ itself. Unfortunately this wasn’t that good so a little disappointing. Then I saw a movie called TWILIGHT more than later. But I was so impressed with the story that I wanted to go and buy the book but sadly there was no more in stock in the Philippines.

Then this morning I get a text message from AMPY and that she was going to the mall of Asia to have lunch. I thought perfect since we didn’t see each other for over a year now, and she was one of Rosewood’s youth members that we could finally see each other to catch up. So just when I thought that I wouldn’t find anyone to celebrate Thanksgiving with me, the Lord up and provided again. Even though it shouldn’t surprise me that the Lord is awesome in every possible way, I still find that I am in awe in how much He loves me. I mean to be able to hang out with AMPY out of nowhere. Praise God for everything.

The next highlight of the day is when I went to ROB. I was standing in line for the taxi so I can go to Central for the CI meeting at 6 PM. When it was my turn to get into a cab this old lady tried to jack the cab from me. Well I respectfully told her that there was a line and that she was not only cheating me but all the other people who patiently waited for a cab. Then she told me to shut up. Well she picked the wrong Filipino to say that too. For I told her, NO I WON’T SHUT. Sino ka ba? Then she started to walk away from me. So I told her, you think you are so special? You think you are above waiting in line just like everyone else? And you think just because you are older I won’t answer back to you? Well DUMBASS your NOTHING. Then she started to come back to me with that look like she wanted to try something. And even though she’s an old woman, I rose to the occasion. So I said, WHAT, you want some of this. Bring it. Go ahead let see what you got. I think at that point the lady realized that she would have gotten her ass kicked and would have crawled back into the end of the line in shame. It’s funny for the other lady that was with her tried to hold me back but one good look at her and she backed off. And I stared down that lady again. Good thing the security guard was there to try and hold me back. I must admit although I would have wished that it wouldn’t have gotten to that level. I was feeling short changed. If anything this shows me that there is a lot of anger in my heart and that lady just woke a sleeping dragon. But what can I say, there are a lot of things, a lot of idiosyncrasies here in the Philippines that drives me crazy, such as just because they are older they think they can get a way with murder. Oh btw when I am saying this was an old lady, she wasn’t like 1000 years old, but more like her mid 40’s.

So that was my day, what’s next…

Friday, November 21, 2008

my letter to Kristen about PROP 8

Prop 8 – Okay so I too have been wrestling with this one and praying about this. But not on the issue about homosexuality but to publicly come out of the (excuse my pun) closet on this. I know where I stand but I am not sure people are going to perceive it in the message in what I truly stand on but since you know me (better than most) I will try. Just let me know if any of this makes sense.

So what I was saying is my stance on this is two folds, one about how I feel (theologically) about homosexuality and the other is how I feel (politically) same sex marriage fall into state mandate.

First it is clear from scriptures that homosexuality is a sin. Leviticus 20:13 say, “If a man lies with another male as he lies with a woman, both of them committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.” Scriptures tell us that homosexuality is a sin. And in this scripture, the Israelites have deemed this act as punishable by death. Now as you know, I believe that if you believe in one part of the scriptures you have to believe in all. For it is far more dangerous to pick and choose which part we want to believe than believing in it as a whole. But this scripture also exist. Romans 13:1-7 states: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” It says that we should obey the laws of the land, and that is where we start going into subjective topic.

I believe that the United States is great because the founding fathers knew that although GOD should be the cornerstone of our lives and how we do things, they also knew the dangers of using doctrine to determine the laws of the land. Many times in history we can see how the establishment used the scripture to push for their own agenda. Such as the crusades, and even to today’s Islamic fundamentalist Jihad, in these instances they were imposing their religious belief to push the state or government to do their will. So the founding fathers decided to instill within the foundation the separation between Church and State under the 1st Amendment. So any laws written cannot violate this fundamental belief that there is NO established religion of the United States. Also I believe in a free society, any laws written are a law that limits our individual freedoms. Yes laws are required but I believe that laws should only be written if it causes harm to others thus impeding their rights. So then where is the basis of the Right Wing (conservatives) of why we should outlaw same-sex marriages? Does it hurt me if my neighbor is gay? Or does it hurt me that they want to live a life that they choose. Why is personal freedom only limited to those who are heterosexuals? What’s next is the state going to start telling me whom to marry? They did in the 60’s a white man cannot marry an African-American. But if we still think that way, well our new President – Elect wouldn’t be here.

What surprises me is how these fundamentalist or what I also call a bunch of homophobic people don’t gear up to fight for the other Christian beliefs? I support Dave Sormillion due to the fact that there is no issue that he will run away from, but as a state why did PROP 8 pass yet PROP 4 did not? Now this is another Oprah altogether, but why did these so called “CHRISTIANS” let Prop 4 fail, when that is about abortion and that does hurt others. Yet Prop 8 did, where no one gets hurt, but because they are so afraid of the “GAYS” that they needed to be protected from them.

Kris, I hope this makes sense, not that I don’t think you couldn’t comprehend this, but whether or not you can even understand my thoughts since it tends to get jumbled up and mixed up from my brain to my fingertips. But that is where I stand.

My Letter to the Design Team

Christmas Institute - Southern California
Design Team Members
Counselor and Staff

Francis Thomas B. Serrano
Former Design Team Member

October 29, 2008

Dear Leadership Team,

As a former Design Team member as well as a Counselor and Staff member. I am compelled to speak on the latest issues that have been going around. And even though I am eight thousand miles away, I am still affected by the things that are happening with the leaderships of Christmas Institute. For one I have invested 15 years into Christmas Institute and have worked very hard like many of you to make CI what it is today. Second, my nephew and niece will be attending CI this year so as a parent I have the right and the responsibility to make sure that the people teaching my nephew and niece are consistent to the values and principles that my family has set. And lastly, it is because I still care deeply for all of you and I know how hard you have worked and things such as these although important should not diminish your contribution and sacrifices you have all made for CI and for Jesus Christ. But like many of you I am moved to say something.

For past few years since when I was still a design team member I was involved with the day to day operations of Christmas Institute, there was not an issue or problem that I ran away from. I was always ready to answer the call of the Lord as well as my fellow design team members. There was never a time where it was too late to call me (although there is too early) or too far for me not to go. There was a time when we had a problem with that we had way to many campers attending CI then the amount of food we have available. So I was asked to call the campers that turned in their applications late and give them the very bad news that they cannot attend CI that year. What made it difficult was that the day I had to call was Christmas Day. And even though I made the call, I did not stop there, I found a way for those kids to be able to attend anyway. Which for those involved know that was no easy task. But no matter how difficult it was to call these people and ruin their Christmas, it had to be done and someone had to be the bad guy. But that is what leaders do, to make the difficult choices. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians says it best, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58

But what is a leader? In Proverbs 28:16 says, “A ruler (leader) who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, but he who hates covetousness will prolong his rule.” King Solomon was saying that to be an effective leader one must have the patience and be open minded else they will just enforce what they believe to those they lead.

In the past few days I have been receiving e-mails asking me to turn in a questionnaire form to determine where I am with my walk with the Lord. I have always maintained that as Design Team members we must set a bar or standard to which not everyone can just be a counselor. But what is dangerous with setting a bar is who gets to set that bar? Obviously the most logical choice would be the design team to set that bar. But who sets the bar for the design team? Logically shouldn’t the standard set for the Design Team members be higher than that of the Counselor’s and Staff members. My original proposal was that the entire counselor and staff along with the Design Team meet together and set that standards in what they all feel what is the definition of a counselor, staff and of course design team. So each member is heard and that at least at the end of that meeting you all come out with one clear mandate saying this is the bar and this is what we all agreed with. Now I don’t know if that ever happened or not, but if it hasn’t then I urge the counselors and staff and demand to know who sets the DESIGN TEAM’s standards?

I am quoting from the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT that I received.

If this is required for Counselors and Staff than where is the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT for the Design Team? Shouldn’t their list be longer?

The first and the last bullet point I cannot answer for those are subjective and only GOD can answer that. But the second and third (which I believe go hand in hand) is something we CAN keep accountable to each other for and definitely something that we are all charged to do. But let me talk about accountability. In Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”

Oxford American Dictionaries has this to say about countenance.

countenance |ˈkountn-əns|
1 a person's face or facial expression : his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away.
2 support : she was giving her specific countenance to the occasion.
verb [ trans. ]
admit as acceptable or possible : he was reluctant to countenance the use of force.
keep one's countenance maintain one's composure, esp. by refraining from laughter.
keep someone in countenance help someone to remain calm and confident : to keep herself in countenance she opened her notebook.
out of countenance disconcerted or unpleasantly surprised : I put him clean out of countenance just by looking at him

In this definition I want to focus on the key word in this definition. The word: HELP. It isn’t enough to just point to our brothers and sisters in Christ about their shortcomings but how can we HELP? We need to help them remain calm and confident. As per the Lord’s teaching. Sure they may not want to hear it, they may even be apprehensive about it, but it is something the Lord calls us to do. So if indeed we see our brother or sister stumble how do we help them get back up? It is like saying to yourself, hey I’m hungry. But if you don’t do anything about it. Guess what, until you do something about it won’t change. You must do something, else you’ll starve. So those making claims that one is not “Christian” enough then what are you doing to help that person make the cut?

I believe that the design team has many functions and responsibilities. With things like choosing a campsite, creating a functional budget, and putting together a coherent family groups material. We have also the added responsibility in fostering leaders and future leaders. Ralph Nader, political activist and Presidential candidate for the green party said, “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” It is often difficult when you find yourself a leader whose responsibility to create more leaders. But it is important especially at CI. The work of the LORD is never done, the battle between the forces of good and evil will continue till the final battle as prophesized by John in the book of Revelations. So it is important that we as design team members think long term, and look down the road to see who can carry the mantle of responsibility. So we must produce more leaders. Such as what Kuya John Umaging did, Ate Grace (Cainoy) Weltman, Ate Marie (Dacio) Pico, Ate Rose Lynn (Abesamis) Bell, Kuya Joey Alberracin, Michelle Quizon. These former Directors knew that one day they will say goodbye to CI but the work must continue. So if we were to make a Statement of Commitment for a design team member shouldn’t fostering the people they lead be an important point?

Now that I have made my point, the issue at hand is whether someone is Christian enough to be a counselor. And yes I do believe that a standard should be set, but it is also important as to who sets the standards. And if we require that of a Counselor than we should demand that from our leaders.

I have known Nicco for most of my life, I have seen him grow not only as a man but as Christian servant. I was also blessed to have had him in my family group and was instrumental in bringing Rosewood UMC’s first Contemporary Worship service. I have seen him be the youth member to being the youth leader to now a youth mentor. He has answered the call of the Lord on numerous occasions and yes he has his faults. But believe me his list of shortcomings isn’t longer than mine. In a time when we are looking for leaders and for people to step up and take charge, we shouldn’t knock down those who are willing to serve, but foster them to be better leaders. For there was at one time that we all and I mean all of us have had a trait that could disqualify us all, and if it weren’t for someone who had enough wisdom to show each and every one of us a little bit of understanding and a little bit of patience than we would have never gotten this opportunity to lead and serve. As someone who has trained counselors through the years I can earnestly tell you that I cannot teach someone to care, nor to love, nor to turn the other cheek. I believe that these are the characteristics we look for in a counselor, and the rest we teach, for these are the traits that the good Lord has told us all. In Matthew 22:37-39“Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.”

To sum up my point, I urge each and every one of you that those that demand so much of your commitment and sincerity show there heart first. Demand that the standard be higher than that expected of you, and judge the person’s heart.

In HIS Service,

Francis Thomas B. Serrano

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

time to ask

Christmas Institute - Southern California
Design Team Members
Counselor and Staff

Francis Thomas B. Serrano
Former Design Team Member

October 29, 2008

Dear Leadership Team,

As a former Design Team member as well as a Counselor and Staff member. I am compelled to speak on the latest issues that have been going around. And even though I am eight thousand miles away, I am still affected by the things that are happening with the leaderships of Christmas Institute. For one I have invested 15 years into Christmas Institute and have worked very hard like many of you to make CI what it is today. Second, my nephew and niece will be attending CI this year so as a parent I have the right and the responsibility to make sure that the people teaching my nephew and niece are consistent to the values and principles that my family has set. And lastly, it is because I still care deeply for all of you and I know how hard you have worked and things such as these although important should not diminish your contribution and sacrifices you have all made for CI and for Jesus Christ. But like many of you I am moved to say something.

For past few years since when I was still a design team member I was involved with the day to day operations of Christmas Institute, there was not an issue or problem that I ran away from. I was always ready to answer the call of the Lord as well as my fellow design team members. There was never a time where it was too late to call me (although there is too early) or too far for me not to go. There was a time when we had a problem with that we had way to many campers attending CI then the amount of food we have available. So I was asked to call the campers that turned in their applications late and give them the very bad news that they cannot attend CI that year. What made it difficult was that the day I had to call was Christmas Day. And even though I made the call, I did not stop there, I found a way for those kids to be able to attend anyway. Which for those involved know that was no easy task. But no matter how difficult it was to call these people and ruin their Christmas, it had to be done and someone had to be the bad guy. But that is what leaders do, to make the difficult choices. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians says it best, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58

But what is a leader? In Proverbs 28:16 says, “A ruler (leader) who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, but he who hates covetousness will prolong his rule.” King Solomon was saying that to be an effective leader one must have the patience and be open minded else they will just enforce what they believe to those they lead.

In the past few days I have been receiving e-mails asking me to turn in a questionnaire form to determine where I am with my walk with the Lord. I have always maintained that as Design Team members we must set a bar or standard to which not everyone can just be a counselor. But what is dangerous with setting a bar is who gets to set that bar? Obviously the most logical choice would be the design team to set that bar. But who sets the bar for the design team? Logically shouldn’t the standard set for the Design Team members be higher than that of the Counselor’s and Staff members. My original proposal was that the entire counselor and staff along with the Design Team meet together and set that standards in what they all feel what is the definition of a counselor, staff and of course design team. So each member is heard and that at least at the end of that meeting you all come out with one clear mandate saying this is the bar and this is what we all agreed with. Now I don’t know if that ever happened or not, but if it hasn’t then I urge the counselors and staff and demand to know who sets the DESIGN TEAM’s standards?

I am quoting from the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT that I received.

If this is required for Counselors and Staff than where is the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT for the Design Team? Shouldn’t their list be longer?

The first and the last bullet point I cannot answer for those are subjective and only GOD can answer that. But the second and third (which I believe go hand in hand) is something we CAN keep accountable to each other for and definitely something that we are all charged to do. But let me talk about accountability. In Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”

Oxford American Dictionaries has this to say about countenance.

countenance |ˈkountn-əns|
1 a person's face or facial expression : his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away.
2 support : she was giving her specific countenance to the occasion.
verb [ trans. ]
admit as acceptable or possible : he was reluctant to countenance the use of force.
keep one's countenance maintain one's composure, esp. by refraining from laughter.
keep someone in countenance help someone to remain calm and confident : to keep herself in countenance she opened her notebook.
out of countenance disconcerted or unpleasantly surprised : I put him clean out of countenance just by looking at him

In this definition I want to focus on the key word in this definition. The word: HELP. It isn’t enough to just point to our brothers and sisters in Christ about their shortcomings but how can we HELP? We need to help them remain calm and confident. As per the Lord’s teaching. Sure they may not want to hear it, they may even be apprehensive about it, but it is something the Lord calls us to do. So if indeed we see our brother or sister stumble how do we help them get back up? It is like saying to yourself, hey I’m hungry. But if you don’t do anything about it. Guess what, until you do something about it won’t change. You must do something, else you’ll starve. So those making claims that one is not “Christian” enough then what are you doing to help that person make the cut?

I believe that the design team has many functions and responsibilities. With things like choosing a campsite, creating a functional budget, and putting together a coherent family groups material. We have also the added responsibility in fostering leaders and future leaders. Ralph Nader, political activist and Presidential candidate for the green party said, “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” It is often difficult when you find yourself a leader whose responsibility to create more leaders. But it is important especially at CI. The work of the LORD is never done, the battle between the forces of good and evil will continue till the final battle as prophesized by John in the book of Revelations. So it is important that we as design team members think long term, and look down the road to see who can carry the mantle of responsibility. So we must produce more leaders. Such as what Kuya John Umaging did, Ate Grace (Cainoy) Weltman, Ate Marie (Dacio) Pico, Ate Rose Lynn (Abesamis) Bell, Kuya Joey Alberracin, Michelle Quizon. These former Directors knew that one day they will say goodbye to CI but the work must continue. So if we were to make a Statement of Commitment for a design team member shouldn’t fostering the people they lead be an important point?

Now that I have made my point, the issue at hand is whether someone is Christian enough to be a counselor. And yes I do believe that a standard should be set, but it is also important as to who sets the standards. And if we require that of a Counselor than we should demand that from our leaders.

I have known Nicco for most of my life, I have seen him grow not only as a man but as Christian servant. I was also blessed to have had him in my family group and was instrumental in bringing Rosewood UMC’s first Contemporary Worship service. I have seen him be the youth member to being the youth leader to now a youth mentor. He has answered the call of the Lord on numerous occasions and yes he has his faults. But believe me his list of shortcomings isn’t longer than mine. In a time when we are looking for leaders and for people to step up and take charge, we shouldn’t knock down those who are willing to serve, but foster them to be better leaders. For there was at one time that we all and I mean all of us have had a trait that could disqualify us all, and if it weren’t for someone who had enough wisdom to show each and every one of us a little bit of understanding and a little bit of patience than we would have never gotten this opportunity to lead and serve. As someone who has trained counselors through the years I can earnestly tell you that I cannot teach someone to care, nor to love, nor to turn the other cheek. I believe that these are the characteristics we look for in a counselor, and the rest we teach, for these are the traits that the good Lord has told us all. In Matthew 22:37-39“Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.”

To sum up my point, I urge each and every one of you that those that demand so much of your commitment and sincerity show there heart first. Demand that the standard be higher than that expected of you, and judge the person’s heart.

In HIS Service,

Francis Thomas B. Serrano

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Robin Williams on Rolling Stones

I was reading ROLLING STONES special issue on comedians. And Robin Williams shared this one joke which caught me off guard but crazy funny.

"Guy's having sex with his wife. All of a sudden he looks over, and there in the doorway is his son, about eight years old. Kid looks horrified, and the kid runs away. The guy says to his wife, "Well, I'd better talk to Timmy." He puts on his clothes and goes to Timmy's room. He opens the door, and there's Timmy nailing Grandma. The father goes, "Oh my God!" And the kid goes, "Not so funny when it's your mom, is it?"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

sometimes it hurts

So this past weekend I came back to the United States to see my niece get married. For the past few weeks my entire family has been working hard to try and get things ready. The sacrifices we went through, and even though we don't do this for the thank you we also don't do this to be hated. And that's what happened, for all our hardwork, all our sacrifices I was hated in the end.

Lord how do I continue to love while those that say that love me really don't?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

2008 WEKAF Championship a Photo Journal

Hi Guys... Just wanted to share some of the pictures from the event. I also wrote an article about the tournament if you are interested in reading it. ENJOY!!!

A break from the everyday grind of the tournament. While visiting a friend in Cebu, we drove past this old church and I knew that I had to take a picture of this. I look at this old and I see how old the Philippines truly is, and even though we have just gotten our independance less than a century ago, we do have an old culture.

My friend the gentle warrior, Pat will greet you with a smile and a hug but don’t cross him. I’m proud to call him my friend, and am better to have finally met him.

Henry has always been a talented fighter and performer. Definately a double threat. In his devission he had over 10 people vying for the spot of champion and though there were many, their really was no contest. You can see it in Henry’s eyes, so focused and determined to win. And you can also see it from Team Australia and Team Canada.

Alexis: She is such a beautiful young woman, it amazes me how each time I see her, her skills continues to grow. What also amazing is how dedicated her family is to their children's sport. Now she is at the 2008 WEKAF World Championships.

In spite of all the hardships this family has endured, they still take some time to have a little bit of fun. What can I say about this family except that I love them and am glad I got adopted by them.

Wendy is such a capable warrior. True embodiment of grace and beuty while carrying a big stick. I am proud that she represented the United States.

I hope you all like it... Oh and all photos are the sole property of FRANCIS T.B. SERRANO any duplication for any purpose is strictly prohibited.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

i love this girl and here are some reasons why...

I love this girl so much... And for some odd reason she likes me too... And she actually put it down as to why...


1. Who are you?
kristen belling
2. Are we friends?
yes... but so much more than that...
3. When and how did we meet?
a long long time ago
4. How have I affected you?
you have given me strength, faith, love and protection. you have shown me the meaning of family and helped me understand what it means to be a christian. you have affected me in so many ways, i dont know what my life would be like without you.
5. What do you think of me?
i think you're fresh.
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
the family group time sticks out...
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
of course
9. Do you have a crush on me?
hmmm... can we say incest?
10. Would you kiss me?
on the cheek
11. Would you hug me?
all the time
12. Physically, what stands out?
the way you look at me when i'm talking to you lets me know that you're really listening and you really care
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
the way you love people is so strong and unconditional. it takes a big heart to be able to love like that. especially when it comes to family.
14. Do you wish I was cooler
yeah but we can talk about that more later
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
hm... im sorry i just cant answer that one
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
sorry i'm not very creative
17. Am I loveable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.

20. What was your first impression?
i dont remember
21. Do you still think that way about me now
22. What do you think my weakness is?

23. Do you think I'll get married?
aren't you married already? from what i remember, there are a lot of Mrs. Serranos out there... and they are all pretty famous too... what a weird coincidence
24. What makes me happy?
the people you love, acting, making people laugh, your faith, good music
25. What makes me sad?
seeing your loved ones unhappy
26. What reminds you of me?
when people ask me how a movie was and i get this urge to tell them that everyone dies at the end... haha
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
pretty well
29. When's the last time you saw me?
a long time ago
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
no. in fact, i tell you a lot of things that i cant tell other people
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Have we ever had sex?
no... can we say incest again?
33. Do you miss me?
so much
34. Do you think i miss you?
33. Are you going to put this on your MYSPACE and see what I say about you?
you did it already... thank you!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

2008 WEKAF Championship

2008 WEKAF Championship
By: Master Sonny Napial and Francis T.B. Serrano

Cebu City, Philippines. Filipino Martial Artist (FMA) from all over the world come to this tiny island, some to see the birthplace of Modern FMA such as the DOCE PARES Headquarters, Magellan’s Cross, and of course the famous statue of Lapu Lapu, the first mandirigma (Filipino warrior) to repel the foreign invaders. But today isn’t about learning more, today is about becoming more. To see if all the countless hours of training, the buckets of sweat and tears, and the sacrifices made by their families was all worth it. The ring is set; the time is now, time to be the champ.

Ayala Center Mall located in the heart of Cebu City, the site of this year’s WEKAF (World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation) Championship. Even though people are cordial you can feel the tension in the air. As each handshake, each hug is nothing more than a façade as they size up each opponent. For the veterans, they know to reveal just enough truth to keep the opponent guessing. While the rookies are in awe as they see the largest collection of Grandmasters and World Champions in one roof. You can see the panic in their eyes, as they look for a familiar face in a sea full strangers.

Having the event at the mall, hundreds if not thousands of on lookers as their curiosity compels them to stop and see what is going on. Unfortunately the local Filipino’s don’t have any idea what they were about to see, which is nothing more than the fast action battle as champions go head to head.

With nearly 30 countries participating, the favorite is Team Philippines. Sports psychologist know that having home court advantage can make the difference as it gives each fighter a sense of pride, and as they welcome teams from other nations in their eyes they convey this single message. “Not in my house.” But they face a very tough competition as Team USA brings the largest contingent of fighters as well as being the country that dominated the gold count from the last tournament.

The matches were intense but often controversy occurred before and after the match, starting with the selections of judges and referees and ending at times with individuals questioning the decisions of the judges. For every match, even though each fighter fought with intensity and heart there is always a winner and a loser and always fans, coaches and competitors who will be disappointed. At several times during the competition, the disappointment was very evident for Team Philippines and their many fans who took the loses to heart.

In the end, WEKAF leadership was always there to ensure the tournament got back on track.
After three and half days of competition the Gold count leader was the United States with over 44 golds as compared to the Philippines 35. But as the event start to calm down, each fighter leaves with fulfillment, disappointment, or wait till next time. As for me I cannot wait for 2010, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico the site for the next WEKAF championship.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Staying IN...

Staying IN…

So I decided to stay in today and reflect on what’s been going on the past few days. A lot of things have changed in so many ways. So here is the recap.

PJ Mansion:

I moved into this place called PJ mansion and my first night was a disaster from the word go. The place was noisy all night long. Even though the place was huge with four closets I am glad I moved to another room. Smaller, especially the closets (damn I sound like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City. Damn if I just didn’t put an exclamation mark on my manhood.) but it’s quieter by like a factor of a million and I get better internet connection on the 6th floor.

But the week I moved out here the drama with the family began.

The Fam:

So for the past one and half months that I’ve been here, I was living with Royd’s house. All the while I thought he and I were good. But he was weaving this tale to his parents about how I treated him. Now I know I am not perfect, and especially since my way of thinking is different from his or anyone here in the Philippines for that matter. But I thought that as long as we communicate our differences then we should be able to work things out. But their lies the problem, they don’t communicate, Mannang Tess and Royd. I talked to them one on one, and in groups, as well as in front of Auntie Sol, and even she concurred that they should just talk to me about their feelings or misgivings about me. Yet they choose to not say anything directly to me and instead talk about me.


So Joemar has been awesome, he’s been taking me to see different schools of FMA. Yesterday we went to this place called CAMP CRAME. It is the HQ for the Police, and hey had all these foreigners training different style of FMA. It was fun took a lot of pictures and met interesting people, and saw their styles. I also met some guys from Cacoy Doce Pares, which was cool, especially when they did some ESKRIDO techniques. That was awesome. Met this guy Albert and his instructor GM Bert or Mang Bert, he’s cool. Looking at him you would never guess he is an FMA Grand Master, but he does know what he’s talking about. Their style is more Largo based but he has great footwork. Most largo based system usually do.

Oh I met this one guy who teaches Modern Arnis, forgot his name. Well it was hot at the gym but they told me it was cool in the locker room. I went inside and this guy was there. The basic intrusive questions were asked, like how much I weigh, and how well do I get around. Then he said, “What about sex?” So not the locker room talk, especially with this old man. I didn’t know how to react, I answered honestly and when he asked what I was doing in the Philippines, I said I am here to become a minister. Then he goes, ALLELUIA!!! Didn’t see that one coming huh?

I also have a student as well. Her name is Jonna, she is the Manager of the building I am living in. She is taking 2 classes a week and she seems committed. And she picks up the stuff quickly. We first started with class once a week but she can handle more. I need to advertise myself more; I would get some curious inquiries but no bites yet. I know it will change soon but still. But I do have to find some place to work out. My room is just way too small especially if I get more students. I need to talk to someone at PCU or maybe the other schools around me. That’s it I have to make some new contacts in this building. I am sure they can help.

What’s next….

Sunday, June 29, 2008

PJ Mansion

PJ Mansion
June 29, 2008

I know it has been a while since my last post but not much has changed. But that’s not actually true. Now that I reflect on my life, a lot has changed.

I made a new friend named Joemar Obejas. A fellow eskrimador who I met through a distant brother of Doce Pares from Norway, a nice enough fellow with an old soul feeling. Although my friendship with him did stir up some family drama, I let him sleep over without anyone’s permission. But my reasoning is it was late and it was raining hard. I couldn’t let the guy walk home that late in a middle of a storm. It was my call and I knew that it might ruffle some feathers but I still maintain I did the right thing. But I knew that he was a decent guy, I could just tell. But what’s cool he sold me iPod touch for only 7k. It don’t get cheaper than that. But he has also taken the time to orient me to my new surroundings. And train with me and show me some Rapido Realismo Kali. I am actually planning on going to CEBU with him this July.

Last weekend there was a typhoon and a ferry was overturned and over 800 people are reported dead and or missing. It brought havoc to the region, and not to sound petty, I couldn’t access my bank account. So for two days Royd and I were hungry and couldn’t get any money. I had to save the money I have for my new place.

Speaking of a new place, I now moved into my new “temporary” digs. The place is perfect except that I can’t keep it. This is the ladies floor, and this is only a temp place until I move to my permanent room. I started growing into the place, as well as I love the closet. The room was set up for four occupants, thus four closets. Oh well, but the noise, oh my. The place is on TAFT avenue and even as I write this at 11:47 PM it is still noisy and traffic. I was hoping as the night goes on it would calm down a bit, but not. Still loud as ever, I kind of feel like I moved into a cheap ass apartment in New York, wait, I sort of did. I mean there literally is a train next to us on what might be the busiest road in all of manila and also one of the smallest. Thus it pleases me to know that I am moving somewhere on the 6th floor instead of living here on the 3rd. Marlisa the girl that works here was so worried since things kinda got screwed up. But alas all is well. I even found a lady to do my laundry for 300 a month. Not bad.

So as I go to school tomorrow as I cross the street, my new life begins. Till next time, what’s next?

My new Digs

Another chapter in my life has started. I knew that this day was coming and I'm just glad that it's here now.

I now live on my own here in the home country as a stranger. I am new here, don't know where to go nor do I know that many people. But I'm here, no more relatives talking ish about me, no more people having to take care of. Don't get me wrong, Royd was awesome but I am ready to start living my life.

Here are some pictures...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Keeper of Eve

Keeper of Eve
by: Francis Thomas B. Serrano

eyes so piercing
floods my soul

lips so plump
drunkens my heart

heart so pure
dared not break
the chandelier

love so pure
undeserved by me
worthy for none

so my worth
is protector
archangel of
beuty, love, temptation,
sworn knight of virtue, honor and strenght

keeper of eve

Master Joe Napial aka CHIEF

The Chief that I knew....

I still remember the first time I met Chief Joe Napial it was some Kenpo Hawaiin invitational that featured Filipino Martial Arts. He took me automatically as his student. Calling him Chief was an honor that at the time I didn't realize. After training with him you knew right away that this guys is for real. His extensive knowledge in Bandalan Doce Pares eminated from him. The only other thing that he was better at was his kind heart. Always ready to help, always there with an ear to hear and a hand to help you up. But he also taught you to stand up for yourself and let no one take advantage of you. My most treasured memory was when I was accused of abuse. What I thought was my closest friends turned on me and threw our friendship away with one false accusations. With an investigation on my behaviour looming, I knew that it would only be a matter of time that someone will ask Chief. So I decided to tell him first before the social work could. Then he asked me what I thought was a weird question. He wanted to know if I killed or beaten the person I supposedly hit to a pulp? I said no, and he said, "Then I know you didn't do it, cause I taught you how to hit and if that person isn't in a hospital bed or dead then you didn't do it." I could help but bring a tear to my eye every time I think of that. He threw is unconditional support of me, and I was just a student. But at that point he was more than a teacher and to him I was more than a student... We definately were family and I will always miss him. ALOHA CHIEF JOE thanks for the OHANA..

And here is a poem I wrote for his funeral. Which I shared...

Through the Eyes of One Student

Through the eyes of one student,
I saw determination
Through the eyes of one student,
I felt strenght
Through the eyes of one student,
I experienced compassion
Through the eyes of one student,
I witnessed humility
Through the eyes of one student,
I long for hope
Through the eyes of one student,
I counted inteligence
Through the eyes of one student,
I understood faith
Through the eyes of one student,
I long to see in myself and long to see again.

Papa... Today & Forever

Papa...Today & Everyday
By: Francis Thomas B. Serrano

The memory of your face
will never fade
The sound of your laughter
will always be familiar
The smell of your cologne
will always be comforting.

As the days turn into months,
and the months turn into years.
I still weep as if were
Today and Everyday.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


So Mom wanted me to get more than just conventional education here in the Philippines. But actually learn the struggles of my fellow Filipinos.

As I get to live here and observe the things around me. I noticed that a lot of Filipinos are so proud of the place called Mall of Asia. Which I was told the 3rd Largest Mall in the world the the Largest in all of Asia. As you can see the picture above that it's a huge mall. But what surprises me isn't at the mall it's what's across the highway.

People living in shacks, kids begging for money just to give to there so called parents. It's nuts, such an impoverished nation with it's huge bulk of it's population poverty stricken could house a huge mall like that. I don't want to judge but I know there are benefits to having a mall that huge. It creates jobs for more people and these malls are packed w/people. But how much could this be a of a positive impact on the economy. I think there should be more efforts in educating the masses and maybe we can pull ourselves out of poverty and be able to afford the things across the highway.