Saturday, December 13, 2008

Having Faith means to let things go...

So this is definitely different for me to post something like this where I know anyone can read it. Especially since this is linked to my facebook account. I just laugh at people in how they are so surprised that the things they posted online actually get read. Then they start whining about how they never meant to have anyone see it. Well DUMBASS, if you don't want to read it don't post it.

So in this case I do want people to read it but it is dangerous for me but I am trying new things...

So in my last post I was scheduled to preach at Mary Johnston school of nursing. My Friend Leo Serafica invited me to speak. Now as a future minister we try to speak as much as possible and if someone invites you, you go for it. So I took the invitation with open arms. The topic was on Salvation based on what Leo heard in the Bible Study I conducted with the CI team.

Now on my last post, I mentioned that I also have accepted people into calling me Pastor even though I am not officially ordained yet. But again Allan was right, being a Pastor is calling, you don't decide to be a minister. God call us to be Pastors. So if God calls me one then it's only right that others recognize that as well.

But I didn't know that GOD was about to test that resolve immediately. I met someone... Now it's not unusual for me to see beautiful women, especially here in the Philippines. In fact one just walked by... Anyway but when I saw here something happened.

Now, when people ask me why did I decide to be a minister, again it's not about me deciding it's GOD telling me what to do. And I am blessed that I have spiritually matured now that I can recognize when He is calling me or telling me what to do. It was that same voice that told me to be a minister, same voice that told me to move to the Philippines and that same voice spoke to me again.

So back to what I was talking about.

So when this person walked in, that same VOICE spoke again. And when she walked in GOD was saying this is someone special. That this person will be important to me. Basically I was attracted to her, but I was also blessed to talk to her for like 20 minutes and I was able to see her passion towards GOD. How she is struggling to find her place in the Master plan. Which through experience I have been through myself. She is also in to musicals and performances, so the longer I talk to her the more and more I am "digging" her.

So now my instincts are in full swing. Ready to go for the hunt. But that's when GOD started speaking again. He said nope, not that way. Do things my way. Which is let GOD do everything. So now I am fighting everything inside me to let go and let GOD. Now I can somewhat comprehend what Abraham and Sarah went through. How God has promised them something and all they have to do is wait. I am trying to learn from them, by interfering with GOD's plan it will only make things worse. So I am now trying to just sit back and wait for GOD's instructions.

So to have FAITH I must have FAITH...


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