December 6, 2008
In this journal entry I have to admit that I have gone through a lot of things that should have probably been entered a few days ago but somehow decided to wait for today. Maybe this is a culmination of the things that is transpiring, or maybe I am so tired that I don’t even know what to do anymore.
Well this week started off weird, I was suppose to be at a CI meeting on Monday at 10 AM. But for some odd reason the text that was sent to me saying the meeting has been moved to 3 PM was disregarded. My bad, but thank God Brother Allen Balang a fellow minister was kind enough to help me look for a place and not let me waste the whole day just doing nothing. He and I met at Inasal Bacolod Chicken, a nice Filipino restaurant and the food was really good and the price was awesome. Then after ward we went to look at some places for me to move to. I have found some places until the last place we looked at. This place is awesome, clean and well lighted. And out of all the places we looked at this was by far the best and the cheapest. But they are requiring a lot of paperworks. Things that I won’t be able to get, but I am leaving it to the Lord for I know He will never forsake me.
Wednesday morning Allan again invited me to join him in a fellowshipping with a bunch of elementary students in Batangas. Now when he told me about this I was so excited, but when I got there I was starting to regret the choice. I had canceled so many things I was suppose to do that day including teach a class. That morning is when Allan decided to tell me that he needed me to ride in the back. This van/truck is a beast that has really bad suspension in the back. But when we got to the resort, it was a piece of heaven. A garden of eden beautiful and serene, there were about 30 – 40 elementary aged kids there from a local school. Allan is truly a talented Pastor someone whom I can actually emulate. But during his message he was able to get those kids to cry and be grateful that they were there to worship God. They also treated us extremely well, they not only fed us but made sure that we were comfortable. The kids were awesome, and were even chearing me on when I started swimming. Oh and that was another thing, even though it was freezing we went swimming. For like 3 hours it was the best of time. After ward I got a chance to hang out with the kids and share a little bit of myself to them. Allan mentioned to them that I teach martial arts so these kids were all running up to me and asking me all sorts of martial arts questions. Which was awesome, but I had to ensure that implanted in them that fighting is bad. After wards there were curious about me and I know this will sound perverted but they won’t stop touching me. NO I DID NOT TOUCH BACK. But spending time with them was awesome and they didn’t even want us to leave. That day I decided for people to start calling me Pastor from now on. I was at first felt wrong by that, but I was there doing the work already. I just have a formality to go through. But it will get there.
Then last night I had the extreme blessed opportunity to speak at Central’s Upper Box service. I was a little worried not because I thought I was going to mess up (cause I knew I was going to so I rather not worry about it) but if my way of talking will be something they can relate too. I mean I am not sure if they can understand my jokes or even me for that matter. I know most Filipino’s can read and speak English, but because they have limited chances to practice it they have a hard time understanding me. But I went up there and did my thing, and although I can see where I can improve on things, I think I did very well. All in all I know the Lord is proud of me. It was also great that Hya and Ate Jonna was able to come and see me preach. I have been trying to share to Ate Jonna for a while now so it was awesome to see her there. Plus Hya being there, hmm I think I do hae feelings for her. But she just told me she has a boyfriend, but I don’t know until your married you are fair game right? I’ll just pray about it. But she and Ate Jonna and I went to Glorietta mall to watch Twilight, it’s an awesome movie and I hoped they had a good time.
Tomorrow night I will be speaking at Mary Johnston College of Nursing and I am excited about this. Leo has asked me to speak and I think I will really speak to some people. So I got to go and finish my sermon for tomorrow. But until then, what’s next?

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