The Lord gone done it again!!!
November 28, 2008
Living in the Philippines comes with so many challenges. If anything battles are being fought on a day-to-day basis. So days I feel like the victor while they’re days that I feel like the looser. And I know that these little skirmishes are nothing to the final battle where the LORD will take me upon His arms and say well done my good and fellow servant, well done. So I try to focus on the days that the Lord pulled me out into victory instead of the days that I stayed in defeat. But I have also come to the understanding that there will be days that I will be sad. Today was a scheduled day.
Today in the United States, families are gathering far and wide to celebrate the day of Thanksgiving. It’s a beautiful holiday, and fitting as well. The United States in its hustle and bustle world actually takes the time out of the year to say Thank You. Also this marks the beginning of the Holiday Season. In fact the Friday after Thanksgiving is known in the retail business as “BLACK FRIDAY” Hundreds of thousands of millions of people are going to be pouring into the malls and stores to start the Christmas shopping. This day has already been linked forever with Thanksgiving. But no matter how great I think the holiday is the rest of the world doesn’t share that same holiday. So now I am here alone in this foreign country with no one to celebrate thanksgiving with.
So I scheduled a day of treating one self. On the 27th I decided to go to a spa and use their sauna facility as well as get a massage. Then I decided to get some lunch at this one Pho’ place. I wanted something hot and warm and yet not to heavy and what better than Pho’ itself. Unfortunately this wasn’t that good so a little disappointing. Then I saw a movie called TWILIGHT more than later. But I was so impressed with the story that I wanted to go and buy the book but sadly there was no more in stock in the Philippines.
Then this morning I get a text message from AMPY and that she was going to the mall of Asia to have lunch. I thought perfect since we didn’t see each other for over a year now, and she was one of Rosewood’s youth members that we could finally see each other to catch up. So just when I thought that I wouldn’t find anyone to celebrate Thanksgiving with me, the Lord up and provided again. Even though it shouldn’t surprise me that the Lord is awesome in every possible way, I still find that I am in awe in how much He loves me. I mean to be able to hang out with AMPY out of nowhere. Praise God for everything.
The next highlight of the day is when I went to ROB. I was standing in line for the taxi so I can go to Central for the CI meeting at 6 PM. When it was my turn to get into a cab this old lady tried to jack the cab from me. Well I respectfully told her that there was a line and that she was not only cheating me but all the other people who patiently waited for a cab. Then she told me to shut up. Well she picked the wrong Filipino to say that too. For I told her, NO I WON’T SHUT. Sino ka ba? Then she started to walk away from me. So I told her, you think you are so special? You think you are above waiting in line just like everyone else? And you think just because you are older I won’t answer back to you? Well DUMBASS your NOTHING. Then she started to come back to me with that look like she wanted to try something. And even though she’s an old woman, I rose to the occasion. So I said, WHAT, you want some of this. Bring it. Go ahead let see what you got. I think at that point the lady realized that she would have gotten her ass kicked and would have crawled back into the end of the line in shame. It’s funny for the other lady that was with her tried to hold me back but one good look at her and she backed off. And I stared down that lady again. Good thing the security guard was there to try and hold me back. I must admit although I would have wished that it wouldn’t have gotten to that level. I was feeling short changed. If anything this shows me that there is a lot of anger in my heart and that lady just woke a sleeping dragon. But what can I say, there are a lot of things, a lot of idiosyncrasies here in the Philippines that drives me crazy, such as just because they are older they think they can get a way with murder. Oh btw when I am saying this was an old lady, she wasn’t like 1000 years old, but more like her mid 40’s.
So that was my day, what’s next…
Friday, November 28, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
my letter to Kristen about PROP 8
Prop 8 – Okay so I too have been wrestling with this one and praying about this. But not on the issue about homosexuality but to publicly come out of the (excuse my pun) closet on this. I know where I stand but I am not sure people are going to perceive it in the message in what I truly stand on but since you know me (better than most) I will try. Just let me know if any of this makes sense.
So what I was saying is my stance on this is two folds, one about how I feel (theologically) about homosexuality and the other is how I feel (politically) same sex marriage fall into state mandate.
First it is clear from scriptures that homosexuality is a sin. Leviticus 20:13 say, “If a man lies with another male as he lies with a woman, both of them committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.” Scriptures tell us that homosexuality is a sin. And in this scripture, the Israelites have deemed this act as punishable by death. Now as you know, I believe that if you believe in one part of the scriptures you have to believe in all. For it is far more dangerous to pick and choose which part we want to believe than believing in it as a whole. But this scripture also exist. Romans 13:1-7 states: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” It says that we should obey the laws of the land, and that is where we start going into subjective topic.
I believe that the United States is great because the founding fathers knew that although GOD should be the cornerstone of our lives and how we do things, they also knew the dangers of using doctrine to determine the laws of the land. Many times in history we can see how the establishment used the scripture to push for their own agenda. Such as the crusades, and even to today’s Islamic fundamentalist Jihad, in these instances they were imposing their religious belief to push the state or government to do their will. So the founding fathers decided to instill within the foundation the separation between Church and State under the 1st Amendment. So any laws written cannot violate this fundamental belief that there is NO established religion of the United States. Also I believe in a free society, any laws written are a law that limits our individual freedoms. Yes laws are required but I believe that laws should only be written if it causes harm to others thus impeding their rights. So then where is the basis of the Right Wing (conservatives) of why we should outlaw same-sex marriages? Does it hurt me if my neighbor is gay? Or does it hurt me that they want to live a life that they choose. Why is personal freedom only limited to those who are heterosexuals? What’s next is the state going to start telling me whom to marry? They did in the 60’s a white man cannot marry an African-American. But if we still think that way, well our new President – Elect wouldn’t be here.
What surprises me is how these fundamentalist or what I also call a bunch of homophobic people don’t gear up to fight for the other Christian beliefs? I support Dave Sormillion due to the fact that there is no issue that he will run away from, but as a state why did PROP 8 pass yet PROP 4 did not? Now this is another Oprah altogether, but why did these so called “CHRISTIANS” let Prop 4 fail, when that is about abortion and that does hurt others. Yet Prop 8 did, where no one gets hurt, but because they are so afraid of the “GAYS” that they needed to be protected from them.
Kris, I hope this makes sense, not that I don’t think you couldn’t comprehend this, but whether or not you can even understand my thoughts since it tends to get jumbled up and mixed up from my brain to my fingertips. But that is where I stand.
So what I was saying is my stance on this is two folds, one about how I feel (theologically) about homosexuality and the other is how I feel (politically) same sex marriage fall into state mandate.
First it is clear from scriptures that homosexuality is a sin. Leviticus 20:13 say, “If a man lies with another male as he lies with a woman, both of them committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.” Scriptures tell us that homosexuality is a sin. And in this scripture, the Israelites have deemed this act as punishable by death. Now as you know, I believe that if you believe in one part of the scriptures you have to believe in all. For it is far more dangerous to pick and choose which part we want to believe than believing in it as a whole. But this scripture also exist. Romans 13:1-7 states: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” It says that we should obey the laws of the land, and that is where we start going into subjective topic.
I believe that the United States is great because the founding fathers knew that although GOD should be the cornerstone of our lives and how we do things, they also knew the dangers of using doctrine to determine the laws of the land. Many times in history we can see how the establishment used the scripture to push for their own agenda. Such as the crusades, and even to today’s Islamic fundamentalist Jihad, in these instances they were imposing their religious belief to push the state or government to do their will. So the founding fathers decided to instill within the foundation the separation between Church and State under the 1st Amendment. So any laws written cannot violate this fundamental belief that there is NO established religion of the United States. Also I believe in a free society, any laws written are a law that limits our individual freedoms. Yes laws are required but I believe that laws should only be written if it causes harm to others thus impeding their rights. So then where is the basis of the Right Wing (conservatives) of why we should outlaw same-sex marriages? Does it hurt me if my neighbor is gay? Or does it hurt me that they want to live a life that they choose. Why is personal freedom only limited to those who are heterosexuals? What’s next is the state going to start telling me whom to marry? They did in the 60’s a white man cannot marry an African-American. But if we still think that way, well our new President – Elect wouldn’t be here.
What surprises me is how these fundamentalist or what I also call a bunch of homophobic people don’t gear up to fight for the other Christian beliefs? I support Dave Sormillion due to the fact that there is no issue that he will run away from, but as a state why did PROP 8 pass yet PROP 4 did not? Now this is another Oprah altogether, but why did these so called “CHRISTIANS” let Prop 4 fail, when that is about abortion and that does hurt others. Yet Prop 8 did, where no one gets hurt, but because they are so afraid of the “GAYS” that they needed to be protected from them.
Kris, I hope this makes sense, not that I don’t think you couldn’t comprehend this, but whether or not you can even understand my thoughts since it tends to get jumbled up and mixed up from my brain to my fingertips. But that is where I stand.
My Letter to the Design Team
Christmas Institute - Southern California
Design Team Members
Counselor and Staff
Francis Thomas B. Serrano
Former Design Team Member
October 29, 2008
Dear Leadership Team,
As a former Design Team member as well as a Counselor and Staff member. I am compelled to speak on the latest issues that have been going around. And even though I am eight thousand miles away, I am still affected by the things that are happening with the leaderships of Christmas Institute. For one I have invested 15 years into Christmas Institute and have worked very hard like many of you to make CI what it is today. Second, my nephew and niece will be attending CI this year so as a parent I have the right and the responsibility to make sure that the people teaching my nephew and niece are consistent to the values and principles that my family has set. And lastly, it is because I still care deeply for all of you and I know how hard you have worked and things such as these although important should not diminish your contribution and sacrifices you have all made for CI and for Jesus Christ. But like many of you I am moved to say something.
For past few years since when I was still a design team member I was involved with the day to day operations of Christmas Institute, there was not an issue or problem that I ran away from. I was always ready to answer the call of the Lord as well as my fellow design team members. There was never a time where it was too late to call me (although there is too early) or too far for me not to go. There was a time when we had a problem with that we had way to many campers attending CI then the amount of food we have available. So I was asked to call the campers that turned in their applications late and give them the very bad news that they cannot attend CI that year. What made it difficult was that the day I had to call was Christmas Day. And even though I made the call, I did not stop there, I found a way for those kids to be able to attend anyway. Which for those involved know that was no easy task. But no matter how difficult it was to call these people and ruin their Christmas, it had to be done and someone had to be the bad guy. But that is what leaders do, to make the difficult choices. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians says it best, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58
But what is a leader? In Proverbs 28:16 says, “A ruler (leader) who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, but he who hates covetousness will prolong his rule.” King Solomon was saying that to be an effective leader one must have the patience and be open minded else they will just enforce what they believe to those they lead.
In the past few days I have been receiving e-mails asking me to turn in a questionnaire form to determine where I am with my walk with the Lord. I have always maintained that as Design Team members we must set a bar or standard to which not everyone can just be a counselor. But what is dangerous with setting a bar is who gets to set that bar? Obviously the most logical choice would be the design team to set that bar. But who sets the bar for the design team? Logically shouldn’t the standard set for the Design Team members be higher than that of the Counselor’s and Staff members. My original proposal was that the entire counselor and staff along with the Design Team meet together and set that standards in what they all feel what is the definition of a counselor, staff and of course design team. So each member is heard and that at least at the end of that meeting you all come out with one clear mandate saying this is the bar and this is what we all agreed with. Now I don’t know if that ever happened or not, but if it hasn’t then I urge the counselors and staff and demand to know who sets the DESIGN TEAM’s standards?
I am quoting from the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT that I received.

If this is required for Counselors and Staff than where is the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT for the Design Team? Shouldn’t their list be longer?
The first and the last bullet point I cannot answer for those are subjective and only GOD can answer that. But the second and third (which I believe go hand in hand) is something we CAN keep accountable to each other for and definitely something that we are all charged to do. But let me talk about accountability. In Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
Oxford American Dictionaries has this to say about countenance.
countenance |ˈkountn-əns|
1 a person's face or facial expression : his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away.
2 support : she was giving her specific countenance to the occasion.
verb [ trans. ]
admit as acceptable or possible : he was reluctant to countenance the use of force.
keep one's countenance maintain one's composure, esp. by refraining from laughter.
keep someone in countenance help someone to remain calm and confident : to keep herself in countenance she opened her notebook.
out of countenance disconcerted or unpleasantly surprised : I put him clean out of countenance just by looking at him
In this definition I want to focus on the key word in this definition. The word: HELP. It isn’t enough to just point to our brothers and sisters in Christ about their shortcomings but how can we HELP? We need to help them remain calm and confident. As per the Lord’s teaching. Sure they may not want to hear it, they may even be apprehensive about it, but it is something the Lord calls us to do. So if indeed we see our brother or sister stumble how do we help them get back up? It is like saying to yourself, hey I’m hungry. But if you don’t do anything about it. Guess what, until you do something about it won’t change. You must do something, else you’ll starve. So those making claims that one is not “Christian” enough then what are you doing to help that person make the cut?
I believe that the design team has many functions and responsibilities. With things like choosing a campsite, creating a functional budget, and putting together a coherent family groups material. We have also the added responsibility in fostering leaders and future leaders. Ralph Nader, political activist and Presidential candidate for the green party said, “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” It is often difficult when you find yourself a leader whose responsibility to create more leaders. But it is important especially at CI. The work of the LORD is never done, the battle between the forces of good and evil will continue till the final battle as prophesized by John in the book of Revelations. So it is important that we as design team members think long term, and look down the road to see who can carry the mantle of responsibility. So we must produce more leaders. Such as what Kuya John Umaging did, Ate Grace (Cainoy) Weltman, Ate Marie (Dacio) Pico, Ate Rose Lynn (Abesamis) Bell, Kuya Joey Alberracin, Michelle Quizon. These former Directors knew that one day they will say goodbye to CI but the work must continue. So if we were to make a Statement of Commitment for a design team member shouldn’t fostering the people they lead be an important point?
Now that I have made my point, the issue at hand is whether someone is Christian enough to be a counselor. And yes I do believe that a standard should be set, but it is also important as to who sets the standards. And if we require that of a Counselor than we should demand that from our leaders.
I have known Nicco for most of my life, I have seen him grow not only as a man but as Christian servant. I was also blessed to have had him in my family group and was instrumental in bringing Rosewood UMC’s first Contemporary Worship service. I have seen him be the youth member to being the youth leader to now a youth mentor. He has answered the call of the Lord on numerous occasions and yes he has his faults. But believe me his list of shortcomings isn’t longer than mine. In a time when we are looking for leaders and for people to step up and take charge, we shouldn’t knock down those who are willing to serve, but foster them to be better leaders. For there was at one time that we all and I mean all of us have had a trait that could disqualify us all, and if it weren’t for someone who had enough wisdom to show each and every one of us a little bit of understanding and a little bit of patience than we would have never gotten this opportunity to lead and serve. As someone who has trained counselors through the years I can earnestly tell you that I cannot teach someone to care, nor to love, nor to turn the other cheek. I believe that these are the characteristics we look for in a counselor, and the rest we teach, for these are the traits that the good Lord has told us all. In Matthew 22:37-39“Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.”
To sum up my point, I urge each and every one of you that those that demand so much of your commitment and sincerity show there heart first. Demand that the standard be higher than that expected of you, and judge the person’s heart.
In HIS Service,
Francis Thomas B. Serrano
Design Team Members
Counselor and Staff
Francis Thomas B. Serrano
Former Design Team Member
October 29, 2008
Dear Leadership Team,
As a former Design Team member as well as a Counselor and Staff member. I am compelled to speak on the latest issues that have been going around. And even though I am eight thousand miles away, I am still affected by the things that are happening with the leaderships of Christmas Institute. For one I have invested 15 years into Christmas Institute and have worked very hard like many of you to make CI what it is today. Second, my nephew and niece will be attending CI this year so as a parent I have the right and the responsibility to make sure that the people teaching my nephew and niece are consistent to the values and principles that my family has set. And lastly, it is because I still care deeply for all of you and I know how hard you have worked and things such as these although important should not diminish your contribution and sacrifices you have all made for CI and for Jesus Christ. But like many of you I am moved to say something.
For past few years since when I was still a design team member I was involved with the day to day operations of Christmas Institute, there was not an issue or problem that I ran away from. I was always ready to answer the call of the Lord as well as my fellow design team members. There was never a time where it was too late to call me (although there is too early) or too far for me not to go. There was a time when we had a problem with that we had way to many campers attending CI then the amount of food we have available. So I was asked to call the campers that turned in their applications late and give them the very bad news that they cannot attend CI that year. What made it difficult was that the day I had to call was Christmas Day. And even though I made the call, I did not stop there, I found a way for those kids to be able to attend anyway. Which for those involved know that was no easy task. But no matter how difficult it was to call these people and ruin their Christmas, it had to be done and someone had to be the bad guy. But that is what leaders do, to make the difficult choices. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians says it best, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58
But what is a leader? In Proverbs 28:16 says, “A ruler (leader) who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, but he who hates covetousness will prolong his rule.” King Solomon was saying that to be an effective leader one must have the patience and be open minded else they will just enforce what they believe to those they lead.
In the past few days I have been receiving e-mails asking me to turn in a questionnaire form to determine where I am with my walk with the Lord. I have always maintained that as Design Team members we must set a bar or standard to which not everyone can just be a counselor. But what is dangerous with setting a bar is who gets to set that bar? Obviously the most logical choice would be the design team to set that bar. But who sets the bar for the design team? Logically shouldn’t the standard set for the Design Team members be higher than that of the Counselor’s and Staff members. My original proposal was that the entire counselor and staff along with the Design Team meet together and set that standards in what they all feel what is the definition of a counselor, staff and of course design team. So each member is heard and that at least at the end of that meeting you all come out with one clear mandate saying this is the bar and this is what we all agreed with. Now I don’t know if that ever happened or not, but if it hasn’t then I urge the counselors and staff and demand to know who sets the DESIGN TEAM’s standards?
I am quoting from the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT that I received.

If this is required for Counselors and Staff than where is the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT for the Design Team? Shouldn’t their list be longer?
The first and the last bullet point I cannot answer for those are subjective and only GOD can answer that. But the second and third (which I believe go hand in hand) is something we CAN keep accountable to each other for and definitely something that we are all charged to do. But let me talk about accountability. In Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
Oxford American Dictionaries has this to say about countenance.
countenance |ˈkountn-əns|
1 a person's face or facial expression : his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away.
2 support : she was giving her specific countenance to the occasion.
verb [ trans. ]
admit as acceptable or possible : he was reluctant to countenance the use of force.
keep one's countenance maintain one's composure, esp. by refraining from laughter.
keep someone in countenance help someone to remain calm and confident : to keep herself in countenance she opened her notebook.
out of countenance disconcerted or unpleasantly surprised : I put him clean out of countenance just by looking at him
In this definition I want to focus on the key word in this definition. The word: HELP. It isn’t enough to just point to our brothers and sisters in Christ about their shortcomings but how can we HELP? We need to help them remain calm and confident. As per the Lord’s teaching. Sure they may not want to hear it, they may even be apprehensive about it, but it is something the Lord calls us to do. So if indeed we see our brother or sister stumble how do we help them get back up? It is like saying to yourself, hey I’m hungry. But if you don’t do anything about it. Guess what, until you do something about it won’t change. You must do something, else you’ll starve. So those making claims that one is not “Christian” enough then what are you doing to help that person make the cut?
I believe that the design team has many functions and responsibilities. With things like choosing a campsite, creating a functional budget, and putting together a coherent family groups material. We have also the added responsibility in fostering leaders and future leaders. Ralph Nader, political activist and Presidential candidate for the green party said, “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” It is often difficult when you find yourself a leader whose responsibility to create more leaders. But it is important especially at CI. The work of the LORD is never done, the battle between the forces of good and evil will continue till the final battle as prophesized by John in the book of Revelations. So it is important that we as design team members think long term, and look down the road to see who can carry the mantle of responsibility. So we must produce more leaders. Such as what Kuya John Umaging did, Ate Grace (Cainoy) Weltman, Ate Marie (Dacio) Pico, Ate Rose Lynn (Abesamis) Bell, Kuya Joey Alberracin, Michelle Quizon. These former Directors knew that one day they will say goodbye to CI but the work must continue. So if we were to make a Statement of Commitment for a design team member shouldn’t fostering the people they lead be an important point?
Now that I have made my point, the issue at hand is whether someone is Christian enough to be a counselor. And yes I do believe that a standard should be set, but it is also important as to who sets the standards. And if we require that of a Counselor than we should demand that from our leaders.
I have known Nicco for most of my life, I have seen him grow not only as a man but as Christian servant. I was also blessed to have had him in my family group and was instrumental in bringing Rosewood UMC’s first Contemporary Worship service. I have seen him be the youth member to being the youth leader to now a youth mentor. He has answered the call of the Lord on numerous occasions and yes he has his faults. But believe me his list of shortcomings isn’t longer than mine. In a time when we are looking for leaders and for people to step up and take charge, we shouldn’t knock down those who are willing to serve, but foster them to be better leaders. For there was at one time that we all and I mean all of us have had a trait that could disqualify us all, and if it weren’t for someone who had enough wisdom to show each and every one of us a little bit of understanding and a little bit of patience than we would have never gotten this opportunity to lead and serve. As someone who has trained counselors through the years I can earnestly tell you that I cannot teach someone to care, nor to love, nor to turn the other cheek. I believe that these are the characteristics we look for in a counselor, and the rest we teach, for these are the traits that the good Lord has told us all. In Matthew 22:37-39“Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.”
To sum up my point, I urge each and every one of you that those that demand so much of your commitment and sincerity show there heart first. Demand that the standard be higher than that expected of you, and judge the person’s heart.
In HIS Service,
Francis Thomas B. Serrano
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
time to ask
Christmas Institute - Southern California
Design Team Members
Counselor and Staff
Francis Thomas B. Serrano
Former Design Team Member
October 29, 2008
Dear Leadership Team,
As a former Design Team member as well as a Counselor and Staff member. I am compelled to speak on the latest issues that have been going around. And even though I am eight thousand miles away, I am still affected by the things that are happening with the leaderships of Christmas Institute. For one I have invested 15 years into Christmas Institute and have worked very hard like many of you to make CI what it is today. Second, my nephew and niece will be attending CI this year so as a parent I have the right and the responsibility to make sure that the people teaching my nephew and niece are consistent to the values and principles that my family has set. And lastly, it is because I still care deeply for all of you and I know how hard you have worked and things such as these although important should not diminish your contribution and sacrifices you have all made for CI and for Jesus Christ. But like many of you I am moved to say something.
For past few years since when I was still a design team member I was involved with the day to day operations of Christmas Institute, there was not an issue or problem that I ran away from. I was always ready to answer the call of the Lord as well as my fellow design team members. There was never a time where it was too late to call me (although there is too early) or too far for me not to go. There was a time when we had a problem with that we had way to many campers attending CI then the amount of food we have available. So I was asked to call the campers that turned in their applications late and give them the very bad news that they cannot attend CI that year. What made it difficult was that the day I had to call was Christmas Day. And even though I made the call, I did not stop there, I found a way for those kids to be able to attend anyway. Which for those involved know that was no easy task. But no matter how difficult it was to call these people and ruin their Christmas, it had to be done and someone had to be the bad guy. But that is what leaders do, to make the difficult choices. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians says it best, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58
But what is a leader? In Proverbs 28:16 says, “A ruler (leader) who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, but he who hates covetousness will prolong his rule.” King Solomon was saying that to be an effective leader one must have the patience and be open minded else they will just enforce what they believe to those they lead.
In the past few days I have been receiving e-mails asking me to turn in a questionnaire form to determine where I am with my walk with the Lord. I have always maintained that as Design Team members we must set a bar or standard to which not everyone can just be a counselor. But what is dangerous with setting a bar is who gets to set that bar? Obviously the most logical choice would be the design team to set that bar. But who sets the bar for the design team? Logically shouldn’t the standard set for the Design Team members be higher than that of the Counselor’s and Staff members. My original proposal was that the entire counselor and staff along with the Design Team meet together and set that standards in what they all feel what is the definition of a counselor, staff and of course design team. So each member is heard and that at least at the end of that meeting you all come out with one clear mandate saying this is the bar and this is what we all agreed with. Now I don’t know if that ever happened or not, but if it hasn’t then I urge the counselors and staff and demand to know who sets the DESIGN TEAM’s standards?
I am quoting from the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT that I received.
If this is required for Counselors and Staff than where is the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT for the Design Team? Shouldn’t their list be longer?
The first and the last bullet point I cannot answer for those are subjective and only GOD can answer that. But the second and third (which I believe go hand in hand) is something we CAN keep accountable to each other for and definitely something that we are all charged to do. But let me talk about accountability. In Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
Oxford American Dictionaries has this to say about countenance.
countenance |ˈkountn-əns|
1 a person's face or facial expression : his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away.
2 support : she was giving her specific countenance to the occasion.
verb [ trans. ]
admit as acceptable or possible : he was reluctant to countenance the use of force.
keep one's countenance maintain one's composure, esp. by refraining from laughter.
keep someone in countenance help someone to remain calm and confident : to keep herself in countenance she opened her notebook.
out of countenance disconcerted or unpleasantly surprised : I put him clean out of countenance just by looking at him
In this definition I want to focus on the key word in this definition. The word: HELP. It isn’t enough to just point to our brothers and sisters in Christ about their shortcomings but how can we HELP? We need to help them remain calm and confident. As per the Lord’s teaching. Sure they may not want to hear it, they may even be apprehensive about it, but it is something the Lord calls us to do. So if indeed we see our brother or sister stumble how do we help them get back up? It is like saying to yourself, hey I’m hungry. But if you don’t do anything about it. Guess what, until you do something about it won’t change. You must do something, else you’ll starve. So those making claims that one is not “Christian” enough then what are you doing to help that person make the cut?
I believe that the design team has many functions and responsibilities. With things like choosing a campsite, creating a functional budget, and putting together a coherent family groups material. We have also the added responsibility in fostering leaders and future leaders. Ralph Nader, political activist and Presidential candidate for the green party said, “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” It is often difficult when you find yourself a leader whose responsibility to create more leaders. But it is important especially at CI. The work of the LORD is never done, the battle between the forces of good and evil will continue till the final battle as prophesized by John in the book of Revelations. So it is important that we as design team members think long term, and look down the road to see who can carry the mantle of responsibility. So we must produce more leaders. Such as what Kuya John Umaging did, Ate Grace (Cainoy) Weltman, Ate Marie (Dacio) Pico, Ate Rose Lynn (Abesamis) Bell, Kuya Joey Alberracin, Michelle Quizon. These former Directors knew that one day they will say goodbye to CI but the work must continue. So if we were to make a Statement of Commitment for a design team member shouldn’t fostering the people they lead be an important point?
Now that I have made my point, the issue at hand is whether someone is Christian enough to be a counselor. And yes I do believe that a standard should be set, but it is also important as to who sets the standards. And if we require that of a Counselor than we should demand that from our leaders.
I have known Nicco for most of my life, I have seen him grow not only as a man but as Christian servant. I was also blessed to have had him in my family group and was instrumental in bringing Rosewood UMC’s first Contemporary Worship service. I have seen him be the youth member to being the youth leader to now a youth mentor. He has answered the call of the Lord on numerous occasions and yes he has his faults. But believe me his list of shortcomings isn’t longer than mine. In a time when we are looking for leaders and for people to step up and take charge, we shouldn’t knock down those who are willing to serve, but foster them to be better leaders. For there was at one time that we all and I mean all of us have had a trait that could disqualify us all, and if it weren’t for someone who had enough wisdom to show each and every one of us a little bit of understanding and a little bit of patience than we would have never gotten this opportunity to lead and serve. As someone who has trained counselors through the years I can earnestly tell you that I cannot teach someone to care, nor to love, nor to turn the other cheek. I believe that these are the characteristics we look for in a counselor, and the rest we teach, for these are the traits that the good Lord has told us all. In Matthew 22:37-39“Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.”
To sum up my point, I urge each and every one of you that those that demand so much of your commitment and sincerity show there heart first. Demand that the standard be higher than that expected of you, and judge the person’s heart.
In HIS Service,
Francis Thomas B. Serrano
Design Team Members
Counselor and Staff
Francis Thomas B. Serrano
Former Design Team Member
October 29, 2008
Dear Leadership Team,
As a former Design Team member as well as a Counselor and Staff member. I am compelled to speak on the latest issues that have been going around. And even though I am eight thousand miles away, I am still affected by the things that are happening with the leaderships of Christmas Institute. For one I have invested 15 years into Christmas Institute and have worked very hard like many of you to make CI what it is today. Second, my nephew and niece will be attending CI this year so as a parent I have the right and the responsibility to make sure that the people teaching my nephew and niece are consistent to the values and principles that my family has set. And lastly, it is because I still care deeply for all of you and I know how hard you have worked and things such as these although important should not diminish your contribution and sacrifices you have all made for CI and for Jesus Christ. But like many of you I am moved to say something.
For past few years since when I was still a design team member I was involved with the day to day operations of Christmas Institute, there was not an issue or problem that I ran away from. I was always ready to answer the call of the Lord as well as my fellow design team members. There was never a time where it was too late to call me (although there is too early) or too far for me not to go. There was a time when we had a problem with that we had way to many campers attending CI then the amount of food we have available. So I was asked to call the campers that turned in their applications late and give them the very bad news that they cannot attend CI that year. What made it difficult was that the day I had to call was Christmas Day. And even though I made the call, I did not stop there, I found a way for those kids to be able to attend anyway. Which for those involved know that was no easy task. But no matter how difficult it was to call these people and ruin their Christmas, it had to be done and someone had to be the bad guy. But that is what leaders do, to make the difficult choices. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians says it best, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58
But what is a leader? In Proverbs 28:16 says, “A ruler (leader) who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, but he who hates covetousness will prolong his rule.” King Solomon was saying that to be an effective leader one must have the patience and be open minded else they will just enforce what they believe to those they lead.
In the past few days I have been receiving e-mails asking me to turn in a questionnaire form to determine where I am with my walk with the Lord. I have always maintained that as Design Team members we must set a bar or standard to which not everyone can just be a counselor. But what is dangerous with setting a bar is who gets to set that bar? Obviously the most logical choice would be the design team to set that bar. But who sets the bar for the design team? Logically shouldn’t the standard set for the Design Team members be higher than that of the Counselor’s and Staff members. My original proposal was that the entire counselor and staff along with the Design Team meet together and set that standards in what they all feel what is the definition of a counselor, staff and of course design team. So each member is heard and that at least at the end of that meeting you all come out with one clear mandate saying this is the bar and this is what we all agreed with. Now I don’t know if that ever happened or not, but if it hasn’t then I urge the counselors and staff and demand to know who sets the DESIGN TEAM’s standards?
I am quoting from the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT that I received.
If this is required for Counselors and Staff than where is the STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT for the Design Team? Shouldn’t their list be longer?
The first and the last bullet point I cannot answer for those are subjective and only GOD can answer that. But the second and third (which I believe go hand in hand) is something we CAN keep accountable to each other for and definitely something that we are all charged to do. But let me talk about accountability. In Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
Oxford American Dictionaries has this to say about countenance.
countenance |ˈkountn-əns|
1 a person's face or facial expression : his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away.
2 support : she was giving her specific countenance to the occasion.
verb [ trans. ]
admit as acceptable or possible : he was reluctant to countenance the use of force.
keep one's countenance maintain one's composure, esp. by refraining from laughter.
keep someone in countenance help someone to remain calm and confident : to keep herself in countenance she opened her notebook.
out of countenance disconcerted or unpleasantly surprised : I put him clean out of countenance just by looking at him
In this definition I want to focus on the key word in this definition. The word: HELP. It isn’t enough to just point to our brothers and sisters in Christ about their shortcomings but how can we HELP? We need to help them remain calm and confident. As per the Lord’s teaching. Sure they may not want to hear it, they may even be apprehensive about it, but it is something the Lord calls us to do. So if indeed we see our brother or sister stumble how do we help them get back up? It is like saying to yourself, hey I’m hungry. But if you don’t do anything about it. Guess what, until you do something about it won’t change. You must do something, else you’ll starve. So those making claims that one is not “Christian” enough then what are you doing to help that person make the cut?
I believe that the design team has many functions and responsibilities. With things like choosing a campsite, creating a functional budget, and putting together a coherent family groups material. We have also the added responsibility in fostering leaders and future leaders. Ralph Nader, political activist and Presidential candidate for the green party said, “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” It is often difficult when you find yourself a leader whose responsibility to create more leaders. But it is important especially at CI. The work of the LORD is never done, the battle between the forces of good and evil will continue till the final battle as prophesized by John in the book of Revelations. So it is important that we as design team members think long term, and look down the road to see who can carry the mantle of responsibility. So we must produce more leaders. Such as what Kuya John Umaging did, Ate Grace (Cainoy) Weltman, Ate Marie (Dacio) Pico, Ate Rose Lynn (Abesamis) Bell, Kuya Joey Alberracin, Michelle Quizon. These former Directors knew that one day they will say goodbye to CI but the work must continue. So if we were to make a Statement of Commitment for a design team member shouldn’t fostering the people they lead be an important point?
Now that I have made my point, the issue at hand is whether someone is Christian enough to be a counselor. And yes I do believe that a standard should be set, but it is also important as to who sets the standards. And if we require that of a Counselor than we should demand that from our leaders.
I have known Nicco for most of my life, I have seen him grow not only as a man but as Christian servant. I was also blessed to have had him in my family group and was instrumental in bringing Rosewood UMC’s first Contemporary Worship service. I have seen him be the youth member to being the youth leader to now a youth mentor. He has answered the call of the Lord on numerous occasions and yes he has his faults. But believe me his list of shortcomings isn’t longer than mine. In a time when we are looking for leaders and for people to step up and take charge, we shouldn’t knock down those who are willing to serve, but foster them to be better leaders. For there was at one time that we all and I mean all of us have had a trait that could disqualify us all, and if it weren’t for someone who had enough wisdom to show each and every one of us a little bit of understanding and a little bit of patience than we would have never gotten this opportunity to lead and serve. As someone who has trained counselors through the years I can earnestly tell you that I cannot teach someone to care, nor to love, nor to turn the other cheek. I believe that these are the characteristics we look for in a counselor, and the rest we teach, for these are the traits that the good Lord has told us all. In Matthew 22:37-39“Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.”
To sum up my point, I urge each and every one of you that those that demand so much of your commitment and sincerity show there heart first. Demand that the standard be higher than that expected of you, and judge the person’s heart.
In HIS Service,
Francis Thomas B. Serrano
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