Life is full of stress, with all this technologies that suppose to save us some time and make our lives more convenient. I can remember that when life was conducted without cell phones. I don't even know how business was done with out those little suckers. But somehow they were able to do it. In the Philippines almost every other FIlipino had a cell phone texting away like there lives dependent on it. And I admit I love gadgets, ask anyone who has known me for a while now. I always want the latest technology again trying to save time and be more efficient. But where does all that time go?
Now this blog is not about bashing technology for I believe that technology that brings GLORY to GOD is an awesome thing. I mean typing this out on an online blog were potentially millions of people can read is something that only JESUS was able to accomplish.
But yet stress is still a part of our lives. Again where is all that time we saved by having a cell phones, or a car or an iPod? I see people are stressing out more and more yet isn't the purpose of technology was to make our lives easier?
"One hand full of rest is better than two fists full of labor and striving after wind."
-Ecclesiastes 4:6
God has given us the answer to our stress, take all that time you saved by having those things to get some rest. Do things for yourself even if it's just a little.
May the Peace of GOD come over your heart....
In HIS Service,
Francis Thomas B. Serrano
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