Have you been missing that old Christmas Feeling? You know where that warm and fuzzy and safe and nurtured and content feeling that you get during the Holiday Season, shouldn't that be kicking in right about now?
Well if it hasn't come in yet? Why hasn't it? I too started to wonder where is that Christmas Feeling. It's due right about now. So I asked God, "Hey... Where is my Christmas spirit?" But somehow before I could even finish the question... God asked me, "Hey... Where is YOUR Christmas Spirit?" So I started to do some searching. Looking for my Christmas Spirit.
Now one night while I was driving home... I pondered how tough this Christmas is going to be. No job. no income, moving to Perris. Plus I wish I had a digital camera, or an iPod or a Wii or a DS. Then I turned to KOST 103.5 the "official" Christmas Music Station. They had this segment about Christmas Wishes. A 1st grade teacher was on the air. She had mentioned that since she was only a teacher making ends meet was always a challenge. But just when I thought she was going to ask for some help for herself... She didn't, she stopped and asked for help to help others. She had this one 1st grade student that lost there Mom and father's in Prison and the children live w/ a family friend. And that her only wish that these Children get a very Merry Christmas...
I pulled over and cried. How petty was I? Poor baby, he wants an iPod. Boohoo... Why was it that I was too concerned w/what I don't have as compared to what I do. I still have a roof over my head, food on my stomach, clothes on my back and a warm bed (couch) to sleep in. While these kids are suffering? Like alot of Children all over the world. So it hit me.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whomever shall believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16...
Christmas is about giving... Not receiving. Because that's what God did the very 1st Christmas... He gave... So if you are missing that old Christmas feeling... Well start giving...
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