So these past few weeks, I've gone through so much politics that it makes me wonder is it worth it all? In the struggle of doing of what's right and from what you believe is right. I've seem to have lost what's important. Doing the Lord's work...
I am a firm believe tha we should have a strong foundation. If someone says to me that grass is purple, they need to make sure that they can convince me that the grass is purple. Now does that mean you become an immovable force, not allowing for the possibility that I could be wrong. But if you are going to convince me, I'm going to make it as hard as possible. The only way to do that is for me to make sure that my foundation is rock on. If I'm easily swayed then that means my footing wasn't as strong. Being informed on any issue is key to make sure that doesn't ahppen. In a nutshell, you have every oppurtunity to move a skyscrapper.
But the dangerous part is with all the debate going on we could loose sight of what's important. It is important tha we must put aside the difference, swallow my pride and get the Lord's work done.
Matthew 16:26 "What good will it be for you to gain the whole word, yet forfeit your soul? Or what can you give in exchange for your soul?"
We might win the battle, but loose the war. Stay on the road ahead and keep you eye on the prize.